As retailers seek to understand more about their customers and cookies become a thing of the past, Listrak is excited to announce and showcase our Multi-Channel Forms solution for collecting and sharing coveted first-party data across email and SMS lists.

Leverage Multi-Channel Forms for Acquisition and Data Collection

Listrak clients can now leverage Multi-Channel Forms for acquisition and data collection purposes. Through the Landing Page Editor (Get step-by-step instructions in our Help Desk article), you can choose to build a form that maps back to both your email and SMS channels in just two simple steps:

Choose your channels and corresponding lists.

  • If you are building a Multi-Channel Form, email address and phone number will be added to the form by default.

Choose your data mappings.

  • You can map any of your current system or custom fields to pass over more data. Some examples are first name, zip code, and birthday. 
  • Mapping additional data points like this allows for further personalization and segmentation across your email and SMS channels for consistent and compelling creative.

Style Your Form In The Landing Page Editor

The Landing Page Editor allows you to style your form as you'd like! These forms can be easily placed on your website to provide tablestakes opt-in opportunities and an efficient way of collecting first-party data. 

Always remember to include the proper Mobile Marketing opt-in language and disclaimers within forms collecting subscriptions. Stay up to date on compliance rules and regulations: & new compliance link here.

Learn More, Then Get Started

Read more about Multi-Channel Forms. If you need assistance building or leveraging this solution, reach out to your Account Manager.

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