
Grow your Mobile Program across the customer journey - from acquisition to nurture to optimization. Learn how to accelerate list growth quickly and refine your messaging for maximum engagement and return.
Your Data Powers Your Success! Learn the types of data you should leverage to power your Listrak program, where to find meaningful data within the Listrak application, and how to use it to power other components of your digital marketing program.
Understand the business impacts of going from the pandemic - with closed retail & shipping/inventory issues to the world re-opening - now paired with inflation & recession concerns. Learn what you need to do to finish the year strong!
  1. Keep perspective of Retail’s performance in ’22 vs. ’21 and pre-pandemic ‘19
  2. Understand the current climate challenges and hear solutions with user Privacy & Identity
  3. Review the latest Retail Index/ Consumer Spending Index
  4. Synthesize it all together with recommended Holiday planning strategies and tactics
New customer acquisition is critical to the success of any business. Learn today's best practices and the capabilities within the Listrak application to help you acquire and reach new contacts.
  1. Key Focal Points
  2. Acquisition Tactics
  3. Acquisition Impact on SEO
  4. List Health Dashboard
Personalization is paramount! Learn personalization tactics you should use to improve the scalability and sophistication of your email marketing program.
  1. Personalization Pitfalls
  2. Basic: Foundational tactics to get you started
  3. Intermediate: Popular tactics to improve customer experience
  4. Advanced: Leading tactics to meet modern expectations
  5. The Power of Dynamic Content
To keep up with consumers’ changing wants and needs, we’re tracking the latest email marketing trends of 2022. Learn how to incorporate them into your digital marketing program to capitalize on the latest.
  1. Influencer Marketing
  2. Live Selling Events
  3. Buy Now, Pay Later
  4. Putting Data to Work
Breathe new life into your creative strategy with pro tips and tricks we’re sharing for email designs that increase engagement and revenue.
Topics we’ll cover:
  • Getting Seen in the Inbox
  • Saving Time with Saved Content
  • Creating Engaging Experiences
  • Designing for Dark Mode
  • And more

In-depth discussions from Listrak experts about strategies & solutions proven to drive engagement, loyalty, and revenue across marketing channels.

Understand this year's biggest digital engagement and growth opportunities, the top-performing email and SMS campaigns you should execute, and see best-in-class examples to help you get started. Then benchmark your campaign performances to monitor success this year.
Identity Resolution isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the new lifeblood for digital marketers and revenue growth. Learn about Listrak’s GXP solution, how it will amplify your existing marketing efforts, and why it’s the leading choice in the industry.
Grow your Mobile Program across the customer journey - from acquisition to nurture to optimization. Learn how to accelerate list growth quickly and refine your messaging for maximum engagement and return.
Your Data Powers Your Success! Learn the types of data you should leverage to power your Listrak program, where to find meaningful data within the Listrak application, and how to use it to power other components of your digital marketing program.
Understand the business impacts of going from the pandemic - with closed retail & shipping/inventory issues to the world re-opening - now paired with inflation & recession concerns. Learn what you need to do to finish the year strong!
  1. Keep perspective of Retail’s performance in ’22 vs. ’21 and pre-pandemic ‘19
  2. Understand the current climate challenges and hear solutions with user Privacy & Identity
  3. Review the latest Retail Index/ Consumer Spending Index
  4. Synthesize it all together with recommended Holiday planning strategies and tactics
New customer acquisition is critical to the success of any business. Learn today's best practices and the capabilities within the Listrak application to help you acquire and reach new contacts.
  1. Key Focal Points
  2. Acquisition Tactics
  3. Acquisition Impact on SEO
  4. List Health Dashboard
Personalization is paramount! Learn personalization tactics you should use to improve the scalability and sophistication of your email marketing program.
  1. Personalization Pitfalls
  2. Basic: Foundational tactics to get you started
  3. Intermediate: Popular tactics to improve customer experience
  4. Advanced: Leading tactics to meet modern expectations
  5. The Power of Dynamic Content
To keep up with consumers’ changing wants and needs, we’re tracking the latest email marketing trends of 2022. Learn how to incorporate them into your digital marketing program to capitalize on the latest.
  1. Influencer Marketing
  2. Live Selling Events
  3. Buy Now, Pay Later
  4. Putting Data to Work
Breathe new life into your creative strategy with pro tips and tricks we’re sharing for email designs that increase engagement and revenue.
Topics we’ll cover:
  • Getting Seen in the Inbox
  • Saving Time with Saved Content
  • Creating Engaging Experiences
  • Designing for Dark Mode
  • And more