Over the past two nights, 80+ retailers from across the county joined our ongoing virtual event series in a Mixology Masterclass with our special guest host, Jim Meehan.

Jim Meehan is a James Beard Award winning author, American Express Centurion mixologist, and overall bartender extraordinaire. One of the principal pioneers of the contemporary cocktail renaissance, Jim led the revitalization of the cocktail bar across the United States – making him one of the industry’s true masters.

As with each event in our series, participants received packages delivered with everything needed plus some special treats in order to enjoy the night!

During the masterclass, Jim reintroduce us to three classic cocktails in a very unique way – all while teaching us the techniques used by the best mixologists, from how to select the right spirit to the nuances of blending drinks perfectly.

Guests were able to interact and ask questions about preparing the perfect cocktail and pick up tips and tricks from the master!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for these incredible Masterclass events!

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